Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Significance of Facebook Emoticons

An Emoticon is a graphical symbol which portrays emotions and feelings without using any word or sound. Just by seeing the Emoticon the viewer will understand what type of feeling the other person is experiencing. These symbols can be easily created and are used mostly during online chatting and messaging. They convey the expressions and eliminate the use of words thus is a convenient way of chatting to the point. Generally, every expression whether it is good or bad or happy or sad can be created using the symbols. Some people while chatting on Facebook don’t find satisfactory words to express their feelings so Facebook Emoticons is a good option for them. Mainly all networking sites provide this feature so that the users can talk freely and share their feelings with one another.

The Emoticons were first used in 19th century in a casual way for humorous writing. Its use in the internet began from September 1982, when it was first included in a message. Emoticons have expanded greatly from simple facial expression to moving images. Emoticons like guitar, piano, etc. are used to show music whereas some sound can also be received with Emoticons. They can be used to depict various types of mood and gestures. Symbols like dot, hyphen, equal to, greater than, less than, curly brackets, zero digit, dollar, hash, asterisk, plus, underscore, pipe, etc can be used to create an Emoticon. Some fonts and color can also be adjusted to give a better look and make it more meaningful.

Some Emoticons and their meanings are given as follows:

* Happy :-)

* Truly happy :-D

* Happy eyes ^_^

* Wink ;-D

* Grumpy > :-(

* Laughing eyes >:o

* Cat smiles :3

* Sad :-(

* Shocked :-0

To know more about how to create and use Emoticons the users can visit an URL http://www.facebokemoticons.com where they will find number of different types of still, moving as well as musical Emoticons. In order to create Facebook Emoticons, one should have a good knowledge of shortcut key codes of Emoticons. There are many advantages of using these emoticons one of which is that they depict emotions themselves and need no further explanation. Communication between people on Facebook becomes fast and easy as inbuilt emoticons can also be used. People can quickly understand their meanings as they are clearly recognizable by one and all. These emoticons add life to a conversation and make people happy when they are in a bad mood.

They are very cute and their meaning brings a smile on the reader’s face. These emoticons express the exact feeling of the sender no matter if both the sender and the receiver speak different languages. Facebook has become one of the most popular social networking website and as a result hundreds of people communicate with each other through this site. During a written communication it is difficult to show the feeling to one another so these Facebook Emoticons are a great help there.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

See who he is! It's Facebook Chat Symbols

See who he is! It's Facebook Chat Symbols - a good joke that I just now came up for Facebook Chat Symbols

Saturday, 28 January 2012

The Best Use Of Facebook Chat Symbols

In real life, speakers cannot use chat emoticons, but they can use a lot of other cues to help them interpret what the other person is saying. This can be difficult to do with text messages or with online chatting. However, when you use chat emoticons, it is much easier to express yourself clearly.
Chat emoticons are the only visual part of communicating online. They can often be the only thing that provides one speaker with clues about what the other speaker is thinking or feeling. For instance, it can be very hard to interpret whether or not a speaker is being sarcastic without the use of some emoticons.
Some emoticons are negatively charged while other ones are positively charged. However, there are more than two categories. most chat emoticons fall into three major categories.
The first chat emoticons are the ones that allow you to share your emotions. These include things like the happy or sad face. Second of all, there are ones that cue the other person about what they should feel. These are similar to the laugh cards that are held up for studio audiences while taping TV shows. Finally, there are the ornamental ones. These include all of the custom and animated chat emoticons.
Lately, emoticons are so overused that some of them seem to carry no emotional value any longer. In fact, some of them can be used too often, and they often do not carry the same impact as other emoticons. Another example of an internet symbol losing its impact is the phrase lol. In the past, this phrase actually signified that the writer was laughing. Now, however, it is so meaningless that the reader may interpret it as a mere virtual head nod from the writer. If you do not want this same thing to happen to your favorite emoticons, you should try to avoid overusing them.
The most effective chat emoticons are actually the simplest ones. These give the reader easy to interpret clues about the writer's intentions. One of the best ones to use is the happy smile. The smile is the most common positive chat emoticons.
The smile is one of the chat emoticons that you should try to use sparingly. In order to be genuine, you should only use it if you would actually be smiling. Some people opt to use the smile while they are delivering an argumentative message. This is extremely passive aggressive, and most readers find this usage annoying. Other users take advantage of the smile too often. It becomes like a nervous tic, and this tic can be annoying as well. This is one of the best chat emoticons, but you should only try to use it when you want to express true warmth and kindness.
Another popular one of the emoticons is the toothy grin. This is also referred to as the cheesy grin. The best use of this grin is between friends who want to share a bit of humor. However, it can be used as a sarcastic device. If you opt to use this as a sarcastic device, you should keep in mind that it has a rather strong connotation. If the person whom you are speaking with does not like sarcasm, this grin may hurt their feelings. This is one of the best chat emoticons to use during a friendly banter with a close chum.
If you are looking for one of the best chat emoticons to use when you are mocking yourself, you will love the face with the tongue sticking out. It is probably the best emoticon to use for these situations. By its nature, the tongue sticking out emoticon is actually one of the most positive of all the chat emoticons.
However, it is one of the chat emoticons that can be interpreted in a negative light. Although it is great to use when you are mocking yourself, it is not great to use when mocking others. If you are saying something about the other person, you should be sure that the message is completely clear. If you combine this smile with the wrong message, it could be interpreted as one of the rude or mean chat emoticons.
The sad chat emoticon can be viewed in a negative light. However, they are almost never meant to be aggressive or mean. If you are feeling sad, you should use these chat emoticons.
The sad face emoticons should be avoided is you are feeling disappointed with the other person. When used to express disappoint, they may really hurt the other person's feelings. In addition, you should try to not over use these faces as they can make you appear pathetic if you use them too often. These chat emoticons are the perfect way to express yourself after a hard day.
The most aggressive of the emoticons is the angry face. You can use this face in a variety of situations, but you should be careful. It is better to use this face when you are upset about an idea rather than upset at a person. When used toward a person, the angry face can really stir up problems. Trolls tend to use this face a lot. This usually succeeds in bringing up a lot of emotions and tensions. If someone has brought up a sensitive subject, you can use the angry face to indicate that you are upset and not willing to talk about it any longer. Aggressive emoticons can be very effective when used carefully.
The chat emoticon that allow you to roll your eyes are great ones. These eye rolling faces are probably the best ones to use in sarcastic situations. However, they can also be used to create contempt or ridicule. If you want to be overbearing or if you want to express very heavy sarcasm, you should use the eye rolling emoticon. This emoticon is also effective to express a certain level of disgust at topics that come up in the conversation. These emoticons are perfect to use when you disagree with political ideas or social trends.
Chat emoticons are a non-negotiable part of most chat conversations. Even if you do not currently use them, you may want to start using them. Chat emoticons will give you the tools that you need to express non-verbal cues.
Chat emoticons help make our conversations more clear. When we talk to another person, we fill in the missing bits of the conversation with what we learn from non-verbal or visual cues. The other speaker also augments what we are saying by what they learn from our visual cues. Without these cues, it can be very hard to interpret a conversation. Thus, emoticons are essential.
It is also essential that emoticons are used correctly. If these emoticons are used intelligently, we can insure that our message is always clear. We will never have to worry about defending our intent to the other speaker or spending time explaining what we meant when we used those chat emoticons.
Whether speakers are using words or emoticons, all communication is subject to the other speaker's interpretations. Thus, it is never possible to be completely clear. Even if you use your emoticons perfectly, you may sometimes be misunderstood.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Ipod and Shotgun - new Facebook Chat Symbols

╔═══╗ ♪
║███║ ♫
║ (●) ♫
Shotgun: ︻┳═一

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Hearts - Facebook Chat Symbols


Facebook Chat Symbols began to send notices about switching to the timeline

Facebook Chat Symbols will soon all user profile switch to the format of the timeline, which is a novelty introduced in September last year, reports the AP.

Users of popular social networks are now at liberty to choose whether to switch to the timeline, but Facebook Chat Symbols was on Tuesday began to inform some users have seven days until automatic activation of the new format. Other customer requirements will be sent in the next few weeks, and will eventually all 800 million users will be transferred to the timeline, even those who did not use Facebook Chat Symbols for a long time.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Why I use Facebook every day Chat Symbols?

You've probably heard many times that I've used several times a day, Facebook Chat Symbols, I loved them, they are the craziest status for fejs. A friend informed me that Sarah had left the new Facebook Chat Symbols, I just could not believe it. Sara goes to school, but it is a trend, then uses the Facebook Chat Symbols with their friends.

Sara was very talkative, she is a lot of time on facebook.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Facebook Chat Symbols in Asia, brought $ 22 billion

Facebook Chat Symbols is the economy of European countries added value of $ 15.3 billion, according to the company's chief executive Sheryl Sandberg at the Digital Life Design conference, which these days takes place in Munich
Sandberg also said that Facebook Chat Symbols in Europe only in 2011. issued 230,000 new jobs.

The big brands have benefited from Facebook Chat Symbols, Sandberg said, and cited as an example of fashion label Burberry, which has over 2000 Facebook Chat Symbols users to share samples of her new perfume.
Facebook Chat Symbols can be used only in Facebook chat. In the chatbox you enter the desired CODE of the smiley and you will get the desired Chat Symbol.

Also, Facebook Chat Symbols can help you feel better, you can express feelings to others easily.
Very good if you want to express how you feel. For now there are 26 Facebook Chat Symbols.
Here is the list of all Facebook Chat Symbols and their codes:
Facebook Smiley Face
Meaning Code
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/1.png Smile :-) :) :] =)
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/2.png Sad :-( :( :[ =(
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/3.png Tongue :-P :-p :-p :p =P
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/4.png Wink ;-) ;)
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/5.png Big Smile :-D :D =D
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/6.png Surprised :-O :O :-o :o
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/7.png Cry :'(
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/8.png Geek 8-) 8) B-) B)
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/9.png Cool 8-| 8| B-| B|
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/10.png Mad >:( >:-(
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/11.png Very Angry >:O >:-O >:o >:-o
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/12.png Thinking :/ :-/ : :-
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/13.png Confused o.O O.o
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/14.png Kiss :-* :*
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/15.png Devil 3:) 3:-)
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/16.png Angel O:) O:-)
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/17.png Heart <3
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/18.png Very happy ^_^
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/19.png Moody One -_-
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/20.png Pacman :v
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/21.png Curly Lips :3
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/22.gif Robot :|]
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/23.gif Chris Putnam :putnam:
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/24.gif Shark (^^^)
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/25.gif Penguin <(“)
http://faceboksmileyfaces.com/files/26.gif 42 :42: